Fall 2015


SoundRobin is an iOS application that allows users with premium Spotify accounts to invite friends to a collaborative playlist. This gives non-premium members access to the host’s premium features. The app also has a voting mechanism that allows users to vote for the next song that plays.


The Problem

Building playlists for social events is very time consuming and it can be difficult to choose the right music genre for the group.

Everyone has different taste in music and playing the wrong music at an event can have negative impacts on the social atmosphere.

The Team

This work was done for a very small startup so the founder wore many different hats.

Founder: Marketing, business development, project management

Design: My role, visual and interaction

Research: My role along with the founder

Development: 1 full-time, 1 part-time

Apple TV integration

Apple TV integration


Design & Technology

The team wanted this application to match popular trends in order to appeal to younger crowds. I also created the branding and marketing materials for the group.

We chose a dark interface to keep the app from being too bright in dark spaces for social events such as parties or bars.

We incorporated some deep reds to match the Robin theme along with a geometric bird/music note logo.

The Process

We built this app using a very lean/agile process. We created and iterated very quickly. We had the privilege of hosting a launch party for the app at an Austin bar during South By Southwest. It was an exciting opportunity where we were able to observe people organically downloading and interacting with the app.


  • Target audience interviews

  • Scope review


  • User interviews

  • Competitive analysis


  • Branding and marketing

  • Mockup and prototype


  • Focus groups

  • Beta launch party

  • Final launch observation party




The team was almost too small to get real traction. Our developers and myself had other full time jobs which made dedicating more time to the project difficult.

Because of the lack of resources, we weren’t able to build two native apps which meant that nearly half of the attendees at an event couldn’t participate in building playlists or voting.


CadWorx Structure


Art & Illustration